Minor in Possession charges are exactly like they sound. If you are under legal drinking age, 21, and are caught possessing alcohol, you can be charged with minor in possession or MIP even if you are not intoxicated or even drinking. While this is true under “ordinary” circumstances, Texas does have a few exceptions to the rule including for employment. As a minor, if you are required to be in contact with alcohol at an establishment which is legally licensed to serve alcohol and are under the age of 21, you may not be charged with minor in possession. In addition, unlike some states, if a minor is under the direct supervision of an adult parent, guardian, spouse or other adult to whom the minor has been committed by a court, the minor may also not be charged with a minor in possession charge.
If, you are found to be guilty of possessing any alcoholic beverage illegally in Rockwall or anywhere in the State of Texas, you may convicted of a Class C misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of up to $500, suspension of your license up to 30 days, and required to participate in community service from between 8 and 12 hours. Further convictions of the same crime will lead to steeper fines, longer license suspensions and in some cases, jail time.
Minor in Possession (MIP) Attorney Rockwall TX
If you or someone you love has been charged with a minor in possession charge, it is important that you talk an attorney right away. While the charge may seem insignificant, this and other convictions can have far reaching consequences on your life and the lives of others. If you live in or near Rockwall TX, Dorman Bell is here to help you. For a case review, contact Dorman Bell today at 214.736.7168 or fill out the form below.