Like everywhere else in Texas and throughout the United States, the drinking age in Addison TX is 21. Like it or not, the fact remains, drinking or possession of alcohol by anyone under the age of 21 under most circumstances, is illegal and can lead to a charge of minor in possession or MIP.
With over 135 annual events, over 650,000 annual visitors and 17 event venues in Addison, it is easy to understand the desire to enjoy a social beverage at any number of these popular events, other area attractions or a night out on the town with your friends. Despite your desire, this is only advised if you are of legal drinking age. If you are caught drinking or possessing alcohol underage in Addison and convicted of the charge of minor in possession, you can face fines of up to $500, possible license suspension and or community service. A Class C misdemeanor, the penalties and fines for additional convictions may increase as well.
While a Class C misdemeanor may not seem like something to worry about, a conviction of this kind can have far reaching impacts on your life including limiting your career. A simple lapse in judgment as a young person can follow you well into your adult life. Addison, Dallas and other Texas communities all have their own regulations and procedures regarding possessing alcohol and for this reason, hiring an attorney who is not only familiar with Texas laws but the regulations surrounding these charges in your area is very important.
Minor in Possession (MIP) Attorney Addison TX
Dorman Bell is a Minor in Possession (MIP) Attorney serving clients in Addison Texas and throughout the Greater Dallas/Ft Worth region. If you or someone you love has been charged with an MIP in Addison, don’t wait to hire an attorney. For a consultation from Dorman Bell, contact us by phone at 214.736.7168 or fill out the form below.